Provakil named a G2 High Performer in Legal Case Management - Two times in a Row!

The aid to
your Advocacy

Power up your legal practice and propel yourself to super growth with Provakil. Get everything at your fingertips, from case alerts to causelists to time

Partner & associates in a law firm with Provakil's legal practice management software to view their causelists, cases & performance reports. Partner & associates in a law firm with Provakil's legal practice management software to view their causelists, cases & performance reports.

10,000+ Partners

Success partner for top law professionals

Athena Legal logo
Phoenix Legal logo
IndusLaw logo
Juris Corp logo
Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan Attorneys logo
SNG & Partners logo
TMT Law Practice logo
Vicit Law Associates logo
PSP Legal logo
Karanjawala & Company logo
Lexport logo
Mody & Mody Advocates logo
Parinam Law Associates logo
Photon Legal logo
Saikrishna & Associates logo
Fox Mandal logo
Keystone Partners logo
Samvad Partnerr logo
Sarthak Advocates & Solictors logo
Chandhiok & Mahajan logo

solo practitioners

Let your practice meet precision

Time is of the essence. With Provakil's cloud-based software, reduce
the time spent on admin tasks & focus on matters that matter the most.

Instant Alerts
Daily Causelists
Online Workspace
Client Communications

Stay informed.
Stay ahead.

Knowledge is power. Get real-time case updates and announcements ahead of your peers and elevate your legal strategy. 10,000+ forums covered.

Provakil's Litigation Management software provides case updates from 10,000+ forums, task reminders, and case assignment notifications.

Manage your hearings with ease

With much on your plate and multiple hearings on the go, managing a tight schedule might become daunting. Not with Provakil!

Provakil's AI-based software provides personalized causelists to advocates daily, which they can access with a daily, weekly & monthly view.

Your work
at your fingertips

Steer your legal practice with ease using our 'Online Case Workspace': a centralized hub keeping every case detail and document at your fingertips.

Provakil’s online case workplace where users can view their case details & documents, readily accessible on their phones & other devices.

Elevated client

With Provakil, client communication is seamless, empowering you to provide exceptional service and exceed expectations.

Provakil’s AI-based software helps advocates share automated order and listing updates with their clients.

Carry your work in your pocket

Need to appear for a hearing in 10 minutes and require a crucial document urgently? Use Provakil's on-the-go workspace. Accessible over the phone and online, too!

Visuals of various devices showing Provakil being accessible over a range of devices - phones, laptops, tablets, on the app and web format.

small & medium chambers

Your Legal Command Center

Provakil's Litigation Management System streamlines your legal processes
& simplifies case management for you, getting all you need in one place.

Case Updates
Custom Causelists
Case Workspace
Task Management
Provakil's notifications from 10,000+ forums help advocates with important case updates, reminders, office reports, and more.

Informed decisions.
Unmatched results.

Gain a competitive advantage by receiving real-time case updates from 10,000+ forums. Empower your team to fine-tune their legal tactics and achieve desired outcomes.

Personalized causelists for all advocates in the team. It can be accessed on the Provakil app, available for download for offline access.

Tailored causelists for thriving teams

Let your team focus on case prep while we help them with personalized causelists. Curated carefully to meet the needs of individual advocates practicing across forums.

Provakil's Case Management software provides online access to all case details and documents.

Your online
case hub

Enable 24*7 access to crucial case details for your team. Enhance teamwork, optimize efficiency, and make collaboration seamless, with all critical information just a click away.

Personalized invoices that law firms and chambers can use to showcase professionalism to clients and maintain a brand identity.

Make your mark with brand invoices

Craft personalized invoices that reflect your brand's essence and resonate with your clients, ensuring timely payments and a lasting impression.

The view of Task Management screen for a team leader or admin of a law firm or chamber, assigning and tracking tasks to team members.

Enhance your team’s productivity

Optimize every move, every moment. Track team progress in real-time and elevate your firm's operational efficiency, ensuring every task moves like clockwork.


Unified Processes, All-round Growth

Our AI-powered Legal Practice Management suite empowers law firms to manage their
clients, teams, & tasks efficiently and position themselves as industry leaders.

Matter Management
Client Management
Time Sheets
Team Management
Reports & Dashboard

Convenience meets comprehensiveness

Navigate a platform that introduces ease of operations to your litigation and non-litigation projects, making your legal processes as intuitive as they are comprehensive.

A detailed case workspace with daily causelists, project tracking, & metric cards for lawyers & law firms to efficiently manage operations.

We deliver,
so that you can

Streamline your client interactions and foster lasting relationships. Seamlessly manage communications, building trust, and alleviating client concerns with ease.

Provakil’s software allows advocates to seamlessly manage communications with their clients through automated order & listing notifications.

From complexity
to accuracy

Navigate the intricacies of billing with newfound accuracy. Adapt to a simplified invoicing process, eliminating errors and amplifying clarity.

Provakil’s advanced software provides customised invoice templates for law firms to ensure smooth invoicing and accurate billing.

Time track
your revenue

Fix revenue leakages & billing discrepancies. Take charge of your time with custom time sheets, streamlining operations and maximizing efficiency.

Time logs and expenses incurred on cases & projects. Monitor your team’s productivity on a user-friendly interface.

team success

Empower your team by streamlining your firm's operations on Provakil's AI-enabled software. A productivity engine that your team will thank you for!

Provakil’s Al-enabled team management feature provides ease in assigning tasks and enables higher team efficiency in law firms.

with insight

Dive deep into your firm's performance insights. Generate reports that reveal layers of understanding, shedding light on facets often overlooked.

Case-related metrics, detailed performance and financial reports, and actionable insights on team productivity on a user-friendly dashboard.

customized solutions

Looking for more?

Guided by top industry professionals, we have gone above & beyond creating solutions for our customers.

Provakil helps in watching, tracking, & searching for conflicts with your trademark portfolio, notifying you of any potential infringements.

Intellectual Property

Safeguard IP with ease
using AI.
Read More
Search across all online forums of India using any keyword. Find out about any conflicts against potential clients, vendors, and companies.

Keyword Search

Conduct due-diligence of
potential clients easily.
Read More
Set alerts with predefined keywords for potential future litigation cases.

Pro Active Alerts

Track potential future litigation
cases with predefined keywords.
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Latest updates by NCLT, IBBI, and other forums over emails sent by Provakil.

NCLT & Custom E-mailers

Multiple forums. Timely
Read More


Together to bolster your growth

Provakil integrates with your existing tech stack to ensure operational efficiency and ease.

All-Round Solutions

We’ve got you covered

The Provakil app can be used by advocates, chambers, & law firms of different sizes. It has custom built features to fulfil diverse needs.

One size doesn’t fit all

Different businesses have different needs. Thus, Provakil provides a diverse range of customizable services that firms of different sizes can opt for according to their needs.

Link bare acts with your cases, analyze precedents, and gain insights from historical cases on Provakil.

Prep like a pro

Backed by an arsenal of bare acts, case prep is much easier now. Delve into critical information, analyze precedents, and gain insights from historical cases.

Secured, centralized space for storing and managing all your case-related documents at one place on Provakil.

From cupboards to cloud storage

Manage all your documents in one centralized place. Share &
collaborate with your team while
ensuring security with role-based access controls.


Regarded as the best, by the best in business

Quick FAQs

Is Provakil free?

Provakil offers a 14-day Free Trial of its products. After that, you can choose a plan that caters best to you. You can also speak with our support team at 18005470300 to discuss what suits your objectives.

I practice individually. Is the litigation management software beneficial for me?

Yes, absolutely. Provakil's software is custom-built to support businesses of all sizes. Solo practitioners, chambers, and law firms can all use Provakil's AI-powered Litigation Management Software according to their requirements. With this, you can easily manage your cases, causelists, invoices, and clients in one place.

How can Provakil's AI-driven technology help law firms?

Modern law firms need AI to fuel business growth and gain a competitive advantage. Harness Provakil's advanced AI & ML capabilities to gain insights about your performance using custom reports. Furthermore, develop innovative litigation tactics with automatic case updates.

How is Provakil better than other legal practice management software?

Top legal professionals in India regard Provakil as the best cloud-based law practice management software. Provakil has all the necessary tools to manage a modern law firm efficiently. A comprehensive project dashboard, online case workspace with real-time alerts and personalized causelists, customized timesheets, professional invoice generation, client updates, and calendar & email integration are among the key features of this 360° suite, custom designed for legal teams.

My firm has data of 1000+ cases. How can I migrate all the cases to Provakil?

Provakil contains real-time information on cases from 10,000+ forums. After your account sign-up, you can use filters like 'Advocate Name' and add your cases from the search results. Alternatively, you can share your case list with us for data migration. We proofread the data for discrepancies and then integrate it with the respective account.

How secure is Provakil's platform in protecting sensitive legal data and client information?

Your Provakil account can be accessed only through your ID & password, whose access only you will have. Provakil is an ISO/IEC-certified company. Apart from being GDPR compliant, it is also AICPA SOC 2 certified, which adds to the trustworthiness and security of our services.

Does Provakil allow lawyers to customize invoice templates to reflect their unique branding?

Yes, Provakil empowers lawyers to customize invoice templates, ensuring their brand's identity gets reflected while maintaining a professional appearance.

Is Provakil's litigation management suite compatible with my jurisdiction's specific needs and regulations?

Yes. Provakil's litigation management suite is compatible with all forums across India. It fetches data from 10,000+ courts, trademark registries, patent registries, and other sources of public legal data.

Does Provakil provide a mobile app or mobile access to its platform?

Yes. We envision Provakil as a convergence of law and technology. Thus, we have ensured that our app is compatible with all popular operating systems like Android & iOS and different devices.

Try It. Trust It. Love It.